Who is Liam?

Hi. I'm glad you asked.

I am Liam. I'm a third-year teacher, trained in Canada and working way over and down in New Zealand. Like most new teachers, there are days I love teaching and there are days I wonder why I put myself through it all.

I love writing and drawing and would love to finally finish my own graphic novel. It has been a work in progress for a few years and has always been the first thing to be sacrificed when time is limited (which is pretty near always). I have a nearly unhealthy obsession with typefonts and can waste  spend hours meandering through them in search of the perfect one.

I am not new to reading blogs,  I have been scouring them since teacher training. It's the writing one that is unfamiliar to me but I feel it is about time that I give back to the teaching community. Twistofliam.blogspot.com is my attempt at that.

I hope you enjoy what you find here and check back regularly.

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